Tuesday, June 17, 2008

cookin' yummi...

Today I got out of work sooner,so I was able to go grocery shopping before coming here to Studio Mugen.
Sanae was preparing lunch, so I was watching her and she told me I could help...I thought I was too messy to actually start cooking for everybody that's here today...but she made me feel comfortable by tellin'me one thing that me,as a calculator-kinda-closed-minded european have to remember,because it's very important to macrobiotic practice: there's no right or wrong. There's no putting onions in pot before the peas, or something like that...the main thing I have to remember is TO BE FLEXIBLE, otherwise an overly tight condition (like I have) will become even tigher...good point...I haven't thought about it. Simple teaching, great concept, and even more, a huge help...I always beat myself up for forgetting to put the salt 20 minutes before the end of cooking, or I should have put 1/2 tsp of miso instead of 1/3...I always go by the book,and not too much by intuition.That's the big teaching I got out today.

Can U believe the taste that pumpkin seeds roasted with tamari soy sauce have??? Sanae mixed them in to leftovers brown rice and some light blanched scallions...sorry to repeat myself so many times in this blog, but , again, the simplest foods turn out to be so amazing just by some very simple modifications...I'm so amazed...and more to come.I can't wait.I wish I could be here 24 hours.
My best to everyone, ciao from Annalisa!!

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